Medication Assisted Treatment Toolkit


Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Toolkit: Empowering Recovery from Substance Use Disorders in Rural Alaska

This toolkit is focused on empowering providers that provide or support addiction medicine services in rural areas with Alaska Native people. Contained in the toolkit is specific information tailored for prescribing providers, as well as information intended for people new to working in the area of addiction medicine.

This toolkit was developed to complement the State of Alaska MAT Guide.

If you would like to request more than two copies, please contact the Behavioral Health team at

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The MAT Toolkit starts with information about billing, collaboration within communities, and getting MAT programs started. The next few sections discuss talking to clients, basic information about addiction and medication options for opioid and alcohol use disorder. Lastly, the toolkit discusses policy and clinical considerations for rural Alaska, care coordination and treating the whole person through integrated wrap around services. The development of this toolkit was supported by a grant from the Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE), Improving Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Services for Underserved Populations and Communities. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the FORE.